Become a Member

SANCOLD membership is available to all those involved in the dam industry who are active in the dam industry and subscribe to the mission of SANCOLD, especially engineers, technicians, technologists, environmentalists, engineering geologists, hydrologists, persons involved in construction of dams, dam operators, and dam owners.

Persons who wish to register can fill out the application form and forward it to

Member Benefits

Members enjoy various benefits including:

  • Have access to the ICOLD knowledge base including all the bulletins at no extra cost;
  • Benefits from the fact that SANCOLD is registered as a voluntary professional organisation with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA);
  • Will obtain information of SANCOLD via Newsletters etc.;
  • Will qualify for discount for SANCOLD events including the annual conference, training events etc.; and
  • Will benefit from dam experiences and construction practices via SANCOLD members and ICOLD members from around 100 countries worldwide.

List of Members

See this link for a list of all SANCOLD members.

Membership Types

Members can register either individually or under a corporate membership, defined as follows:

Corporate membership consists of:

  • Dam Owners and Operators consisting of all South African dam owners and operators excluding individual private dam owners;
  • Institutions defined as those institutions, associations, federations, councils, chambers, government departments, unions and other similar organisations in the water sector; and
  • Professional Companies defined as professional companies or firms active in the engineering, environmental, social science, geological, geohydrological and related aspects of the dam and water industry.

Individual membership consists of:

  • Individual professionals older than 18 years of age who are active in the dam industry, individual private dam owners, and honorary members;
  • Membership of this Group is restricted to private individuals or individuals from companies or institutions with fewer than five professional employees, unless their organisation is a member of Group 1; and
  • Individuals from organisations with more than five professionals are encouraged to join SANCOLD to have direct access to SANCOLD and to share in the various benefits associated with such membership.

Membership Fees

Membership fees are payable on an annual basis and are determined by the SANCOLD Management Committee.

  • Group 1: Corporate Members – Fee R9,750.00
  • Group 2: Individual Members – Fee R610.00
  • 50% discount for Individual members above the age of 65
  • 100% discount for Individual members above the age of 75 that has held a SANCOLD membership for longer than 10 years

How to Apply

Persons who wish to register can fill out the application form and forward it to