ICOLD Short Courses on Slope Stability

4 - 5 November 2024

The Wanderes Club, Johannesburg

SANCOLD, in conjunction with the ICOLD Tailings Committee (Technical Committee L on Tailings Dams and Waste Lagoons), will be providing two short courses in Johannesburg, South Africa on slope stability assessment:

The first short course will be on Monday, November 4, 2024 and will provide insights on the characterization of tailings and foundation soils. This short course will be led by Dr. Andy Fourie from the University of Western Australia, Dr. Luis Alberto Torres-Cruz from the University of Witwatersrand South Africa, and Andrew Copeland from Knight Piesold South Africa.

The second short course will be on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 and will focus on the methods of slope stability assessment with guidance provided on how to deal with challenging situations that involve contractive soils. This course will be provided by members of the ICOLD Tailings Committee and will build on the guidance provided in ICOLD Bulletin 194 – Tailings Dam Safety.

Both short courses will be full-day sessions, with registration available for in-person and virtual attendance. There will be a registration cost for each short course individually regardless of in-person or Virtual attendance. The second short course has been designed so that it is not essential to attend the first short course, but it is highly recommended to attend both.

The Short courses will be held at The Wanderer’s Club, Melrose and we have secured a booking link for The Protea Wanderer’s Hotel for those who would like to stay on-site.

Please click here for the hotel booking link

The Tailings Workshop organisers are open to any sponsorship or exhibition for the duration of the 2 days. Please click here for the available Sponsorship opportunities.

Social events and a site visit are being considered and open for sponsorship.

For Enquires, please contact Sue Gibson

Register now

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